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Silver Ships Debuts New Yacht Tender Demonstration Boat Featuring SKYDEX Boat Decking

Silver Ships has collaborated with several vendors to design and build a yacht tender demonstration boat with a military flair. This 36-foot Ambar Rigid Hulled Inflatable Boat (RHIB) was manufactured to support a large yacht, and has comfortable seating for up to 10 passengers.

“We are pleased to partner with a variety of industry vendors to provide the latest in marine technology for our new demonstration boat,” said Steven Clarke, co-owner at Silver Ships. “This Ambar vessel is outfitted to serve multiple missions, and we’re looking forward to showing customers the opportunities available to customize a boat to fit their specific needs through a hands-on experience.”

The AM1100 is equipped with an extended, enclosed center console with forward cuddy (with boat head). It is outfitted to satisfy the need for versatility in both recreational and commercial use, such as yacht support or military/law enforcement missions.

The demo boat features twin DF 300 AP Suzuki outboards that allow the boat to reach more high speeds at a smooth ride. Raymarine electronics provide the latest communication and navigation technology and SKYDEX impact mitigating boat decking helps protect the crew and passengers from long-term injury from time spent in rough conditions. The vessel also includes a SeaStar Solutions Optimus 360 joystick for seamless precision steering capabilities, and a Blue Guard Innovations BG-One oil and fuel detector with smart bilge pump switches which eliminates risk of oil spills and subsequent fines. Rockford Fosgate’s “Punch” series PMX-8BB Marine Hide-Away Digital Media Receiver with Interface Module allows for clear audio throughout the vessel, despite noise associated with winds and high speed water travel.

The vessel’s main purpose is to showcase the capabilities and craftsmanship of Silver Ships along with participating vendors, whose parts and components enhance the mission-ready abilities of the vessel.  This boat will continue to travel around the country for test drive opportunities and tours. In 2019, the vessel will be at The Wharf Boat & Yacht Show in Gulf Shores, Ala. and SOFIC in Tampa, Fla.